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Neurological disorders is an umbrella term relating to diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them. Neuromuscular diseases are a subgroup of neurological disorders where the nerves that control movement of skeletal muscles are altered. They can be acquired or genetic diseases, and can be broken down further into general types depending on how they affect the body.
Common neuromuscular diseases include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, acquired or traumatic brain injuries, stroke, muscular dystrophy and spinal cord injuries.
Although most neuromuscular diseases are incurable, exercise is known to improve movement and muscle control. Exercise also improves physiological aspects of the individual’s health, including cardiovascular and respiratory function, leading to increased longevity.
Exercise can help:
Slow progression of the disease
Improve quality of life
Increase mental well-being with social interaction and accomplishment
Reduce degradation rate of muscle
Prolong independence
Reduce falls risk and risk of injury
Links to fact sheet: (Acquired Brain Injury) (Multiple Sclerosis) (Parkinson’s Disease) (Spinal Cord Injury)