Balmain Physio, Balmain Physiotherapy, physio, Rozelle, Balmain podiatry, Balmain, Drummoyne, Pilates, Podiatry, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Physiologist, Balmain Exercise Physiology, Sydney Exercise Physiologist, Sydney Physiotherapy, Sydney Physiotherapist. TMJ Physiotherapist
Cancer is developed when abnormal cell function and division occurs in the body, and can be life-threatening if diagnosis and treatment is not administered in the early stages of the disease. Commonly used treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other drug treatments, cause treatment-related side-effects during treatment, as well as persisting negative side-effects in long-term survivors. These side-effects include, but are not limited to: pain, fatigue, negative changes in body composition, decreased bone health and impaired immune function.
Why Exercise?
Exercise has many benefits during and after treatment and there is more and more research being released that is proving the effectiveness of exercise as a way to ease many of the side effects of treatment.
Exercise can help to:
Improve muscle strength, mass and power
Increase cardiorespiratory fitness
Improve range of motion
Increase physical function
Enhance body image, mood and self esteem
Reduce the risk of cancer recurrence
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