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Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term used to describe a range of conditions that affect the normal functioning of the heart. If not treated or managed properly, several of these conditions may be life-threatening. The most common of these conditions are:
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF): occurs when the heart is no longer able to effectively pump blood (and therefore oxygen) to the lungs and other parts of the body. This is commonly caused by heart attacks, high blood pressure and diabetes
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD): occurs when blood flow through the coronary arteries is compromised, limiting delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. This is commonly caused by a build up of fatty deposit (atherosclerosis) in the vessels.
Many types of cardiovascular diseases, however, can be prevented or treated through healthy lifestyle choices. Regular exercise can:
Assist in preventing the development of a number of cardiovascular conditions
Minimise or eliminate risk factors associated with developing cardiovascular disease (e.g. reducing blood pressure, losing body fat)
Treat or alleviate symptoms affiliated with certain cardiovascular conditions
Exercise can also help to:
Prevent blood vessels from narrowing further
Prevent blood clotting
Increase the delivery of blood to the heart
Maintain a normal heart rhythm
Link to fact sheets: (Coronary Heart Disease) (Chronic Heart Failure) (Stroke)